Transform wound care through new ways of seeing

With the introduction of Odinwell optical technology, the world can welcome a completely new way of looking at the complex healing process of a wound, without removing the dressing. This makes it possible to provide more accurate and quicker treatments, and has the potential of lowering risks of infections, reducing use of antibiotics, and lowering total cost of care.

A bacteria monitor in your pocket

Compact yet capable, the new transponder from Odinwell has the footprint of a credit card. It can monitor bacteria growth continuously for over 10 days without a recharge.

With on-board data storage, you can rest assured that no measurements will be lost, even when offline.


The quiet epidemic

There’s a rapid increase of hard-to-heal and chronic wounds due to a growing, aging population and the global rise of obesity and diabetes. To combat this quiet epidemic the next generation of wound care solutions need to be more cost effective, provide accurate diagnosis, and facilitate faster wound healing.


The origin of Odinwell

Finding inspiration in fiberoptics, Patrik and Patrik managed to tackle an ancient problem from a different angle. This is the story behind Odinwell.

Our technology

Below the barrier

Based on fiber optics and fluorescent light, the unique Odinwell technology allows medical solution providers to enhance their current range of dressings with new ways of “seeing”. By simply adding optical sensors to a dressing, a wide range of biomarkers indicating for example signs of infection, blood, fluids and pressure, can be detected. The wound can be properly assessed, in real time, without the risk of disturbing the sensitive healing process by tearing off the protective barrier of the dressing.

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Partner with us

Set a new standard for wound care

Dressings enhanced with Odinwell technology have the potential of setting a new global standard for wound care management. With more accurate and timely dressing changes possible, outcomes for patients, clinics and healthcare at large will quickly improve. And by gaining new knowledge and insights into the healing process of a covered wound, a whole new range of products and solutions is possible. To find out more and join us in our current development projects, click below.

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About us

Taking on a long-standing challenge

Earlier efforts into finding ways to create an ideal wound healing environment have mainly focused on developing new dressing materials. The core team behind Odinwell had a different idea. Instead, they decided to take on a long-standing challenge; how to optimize the change frequency of a dressing. Drawing from their experience in medtech, and fiber optics in particular, they decided to use light as their main tool. They were also determined to come up with a solution that would be accessible to the great many.

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Press releases (in Swedish)

2025-02-05 10:46
Odinwell initierar klinisk pilotstudie

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2024-12-06 12:22
Odinwell säkrar upp och utvidgar patentstrategin – möjliggör expansion till nya indikationer

Odinwell ("Odinwell" eller "Bolaget") meddelar idag att amerikanska patentverket har utfärdat ett godkännandebesked (Notice of Allowance) för ett av Bolagets patentansökningar, ett viktigt steg i att stärka och bredda företagets teknologiska skydd och möjligheter.

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More reading

Analys - Aktiespararna
Analysguiden av Aktiespararna - Ligger före tidsplan

I början av april kunde Odinwell rapportera att man nått avgörande delmål i teknikutvecklingen då man i repetitiva tester mätt temperaturförändring på människor på kroppsytan med hög precision under täckande förband.

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Intervju med VD Susanne Olauson

Ta del av Analysguidens intervju med vår VD Susanne Olauson.

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In media - Affärsvärlden
Odinwell - Läker tiden alla sår?

Noteringsaktuella Odinwell utvecklar en teknologi för produkter inom avancerad sårvård. Marknadspotentialen är stor. Med hjälp av bolagets teknologi är tanken att man skall kunna se och mäta hur såret läker under plåstret/bandaget utan att behöva ta av det.

Aktiespararnas Aktiedag
Susanne Olauson presenterar Odinwell

Se Susanne Olausons presentation av Odinwell på Aktiespararnas Aktiedag från 16 maj 2022.

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